The conditions of loan (The hiring order)

  1. The vehicle is ordered on base of the personal or telephonic arraugemint. The true of the mentioned data DLL be confirmed by the customer ( the firm) wih the siguarute (the stamp) and i tis verifild with the identity or with the driving licence (at yourmeys outsider of the Czech republic in adoletion with the passport) Following only the respusible preson.
  2. This person is responsible for the rezed vehicle including accesories, keys aud dokuments during the whole durability of the rent. It is accepted in case that this preson represents the law subject.
  3. The vehicle will be rezed to the persons older than 21 years holding the driving licence of pertiment group, for langer than 2 years.
  4. The rented vehicle, the keys ort he documents must not be given to other person exept the authorized preses mentioned in the enclosure of the hiring order.
  5. At the assurwing of the vehicle the deposit must be paid, at least, in the height of the participation.
  6. At the loan of the vehicle and at the sinving of the coutract for rent the payment will be executed in advance. The extention of the contract is not possible to exekute by phone, only by the personal contact and sigving the new contract. At the dely of the payment, the vehicle will be taken ( at the participation of the safety agency and the Police of czech Republic).
  7. The vehicle has not do leave the Czech Republic without the agrément of the lessor.
  8. The lessor confirmes that the vehicle is in the regular technical coudition, clean and it fulfills its purpose by the right using.
  9. The responsible preson is obliged to care about using the vehicle only for the specifild jourpose for not occuring a disproporionale wearing aut, overloading and destroying.
  10. The customer is obligaded in the durativ of the loan to care about the vehicle and to controll his capacity and the level aft he operational filliaf( oil, cooling liquid, brake liquid atc,) the pressure of tires. The pertinent inadequacies he lets notky to lessor forthwith. At fong-term lease the vehicle has to be give to hte upkeep every Mount o rafter 10 000km. At the default of the conditions given for the upkeep, the customer takes all responsibility for the noudition of the vehicle and he avers the losos produced with the bad upkeep.
  11. As fas the defekt avers on the vehicle, the renter is obliged to let it notky by the lessor forthwith. He is not allowed the to remove the defekt alone.This is allowed only is case? The exchange of cracked bulbs, the exchange of stung Wheels and the refill of the liquid in sprinklers. Every others repairs are needed to pursne in the service after dealing with the lessor. After presentation of the valid evidence about the payment with the presented licence number the repair will not be repayed to renter. The repar will not be repayed to renter in case that the defekt was arised from lusblame or in case that the lessor was not informed in time.
  12. The pructured or damaged tires and rims avers the respousible person.
  13. The vehicles are isured with the lawful insurance of responsibility for claims incurred with the opreration of the vehicle, and with the insurance in case of akcident, damage or steeling of the vehicle, valid in the ČR and n countries mentioned in green card. The cabia is not insured. The height of the participation on akcident is stated in the release.
  14. In case of akcident, damage or styling of the vehicle this reality has to by annouced forthwith to the lessor and let notky to the nearest detachment of Police with that the rekord has to be writeen. In opposite case all Charles avers the respousible person.In case of blame of the renter the responsible person avers the participation. The lessor has the riglit to keep the advance till the heiglit of the participation untill the time of receiving the rekord.
  15. Before every leasing of the vehicle the responsible preson is obligated to make safe formly the vehicle with the follouwing way? To pard rented vehicle always on the safe place, to lock up the gearshitf and the steering wheel and to make safe it with the bar, to také and the documentation from vehicle, not to let the things in vehicle, whitch can attract attention ot thieves.At not keeping these conditions all claims avers the responsible person.
  16. The spent fuel as well as further Charles (parking, highway Charles in abroad) avers the renter.
  17. Into teh rented vehicle may be fuelling only the fuel mentioned in the release. The vehicle has to be returned with the same volume of fuel like at taking.
  18. The rented vehicle has to be returned washed u pand cledned up like at taking. For returning of strougly soiled vehikle outsider we charge 150kč, in cabin 300kč, for seats 500kč. The paint body damate avers the customer.
  19. In the vehicle there is smoking strongly prohibited under the charge of 1000kč. The causeddamage avers the customer ( the burned sels atc.).
  20. If the rented vehicle will not be returned in dealer term, will be regarded for steled and thes reality will be announced to Police od the ČR.
  21. All claims, cauted by the careless manipualtion, negligence or nou- observation in whatever point of the hiring order, avers the respousible person in full height.
  22. In case of non-payment of rent or claim Charles on which the lessor has the right, the rented chicle will be taken.
  23. The customer coufirms with his sign that:
    • the vehicle he took in upreght technical coudition,
    • he will not leud the vehicle to other person
    • the vehikle will be used couformable with its purpose ( it meaus it will not be purposly damaged, used in heavy grand, it will not ferry the construction material, fitting the further special device and making arraugements)
    • be agrese with the hiring order